What kind of people go on ATG trips?
Independent trips:
People of all ages, from babies in backpacks to 80-year-olds, couples, small groups of friends, and families from all over the world enjoy our independent trips. If you are active, have an inquiring mind and enjoy a wide spectrum of interests, you have a taste for (mild) adventure, and want to return from your trip feeling fitter and healthier – you will enjoy an independent walking or cycling holiday. Our independent programme provides all this and more – glorious countryside, days filled with a range of interests – flowers, birds, historic villages, art and architecture. Add to this comfortable accommodation, with your luggage waiting for you in your room, good food and wine…and you will join the 99% of ATG travellers who rate their overall enjoyment as ‘excellent/good.’
Escorted trips:
ATG trips are renowned for the compatibility of their groups. This is not simply fortuitous!
Our website, with its full and accurate descriptions of each trip, ensures that people know exactly what to expect and so choose the trip that suits them. By describing the specific features of a particular trip – whether flowers, art, architecture, or food and wine – ATG attracts people who share similar tastes and interests. ATG is completely focused on quality, relying entirely on repeat bookings and on clients telling their friends. Groups are small – never more than 16 people. 60% of our clients are British. The other 40% come principally from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Our clients are generally well-travelled, discerning professionals with a wide range of interests. But there is no ‘average group’. The combinations are endless – single, married, young and old, and from many different walks of life. Yet because these trips are, by nature, exclusive, and designed around specific areas of interest, they tend to attract like-minded people who like each other.